Monday, April 13, 2009

Reading Response for 4-7

1. Barney described his work as "sculpture", the category of sculpture has changed from a relatively discrete, bounded, discursive object, into something baggier, which contains a whole range of practices, some with nothing in common. The definition has changed with the artists.
2. Minimalist sculpture was seen as a reaction against the "modernist hymns to the purity and specificity of aesthetic experience" , by the the practices leading to destabilization of sculpture as an object, as both physical and discursive.
3. The role of the body in the work of Acconci and Burden: Acconci, felt he had to find his own voice in the face of his work, he has to find and overcome the flaw in its nature. He used is own body in a minimalist space in his work Seedbed. Acconci masturbated for six hrs a day. Burden performance work of considerable physical intensity, an example is Shoot, where he was shot in the arm.
1. Two worlds of film art that Walley intends to describe in the article are 'avant-garde cinema and 'artists' film. They are two different modes of film practice in the avant-garde. the artist films are designed for gallery exhibition where avant-garde cinema is experimental film shown in theaters.
2. Modes of film practice is:A mode of film practice is a simultaneously historical, institutional and discursive context constituted by the norms of production, distribution, exhibition and reception of film art. Two examples are Cremaster and Passage. The concept of film practice can help distinguish between the experimental film and gallery art worlds by production, distribution, exhibitions, and aesthetics.

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